
Are You Renting an Apartment in Japan?

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You maybe a young professional, a foreign worker, an independent child, a newly-wed or someone who prefers to live alone. In all these situations, you may have decided to rent an apartment to live alone or with someone else. When you landed a job, it is much easy to live away from your family and this is also the case for foreign workers.

For someone renting, there will always be a “room for improvement”. Depending on your budget, you can find an apartment that best suit your preferences, but may still have a few imperfections. In order to address this, the Real Estate Japan conducted a survey to see what foreigners have to say about Japanese apartments.

Based on the results, 25% of the respondents said that they are very satisfied with their space, whereas the dissatisfaction is less than 1%. While these numbers are good, here are some things that can still be worked on:

1. Size – Who wouldn’t want a bigger space, right? As expected, renters would want bigger rooms, kitchen, bathroom and other spaces for a more comfortable living. This maybe the most common because houses abroad like in the United States have wide spaces.

2. Layout – Others may want a different shape or lay out of the room, kitchen and other spaces. They may have wanted the rooms in different part of the house.

3. Structure – This may cover the construction of the walls for sound proofing, bigger closets and storage rooms as well as the integrity of the building. For some renters, they may be living in an old building.

These are just some of the most common concerns from foreigners working and living in Japan. This may mean complaints or not, but these are issues that need to be given attention by the apartment owners. Despite these, Japan is still a good place to live in because of its safe environment, kind people and breathtaking views.

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