
Technology will make our sociery efficient?

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One student at Stanford university developed chat based “AI (Artificial Intelligence) Lawyer” and it overturns 160,000 parking ticket. We had this new last month and it seems like technology what we dreamed when we were children is getting near to the real. At the same time, this sort of topic always remind us a same question, such as, “Does it really make flourish a society?”

For instance, there are various communication technologies are developing in these days and it makes more easy to communicate with people without meeting face to face. This is well contributed to “Life Work Balance” and it is said that is enhanced productivity. On the other hand, some company such as Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer said “It’s not what’s right for Yahoo right now,” and “It was wrongly perceived as an industry narrative.” after leaked Yahoo human section memo.

Actually technology encourage a business, human relationship, and society, on the other hand, it is likely to cause a human error more than before due to “useful technology”. We believe we shall pay attention not just how to develop a technology but how to use it with less risk in the future.

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