The Secondhand Antique Dealer Act was revised in 2018 and matters regarding the Disqualification were added to the Act. Moreover, there was an amendment of the Laws regarding the rights of Adult Wards in 2019 that, “Adult Ward and Person under Curatorship” was exempted from the matters regarding the Disqualification while “A person who is unable to perform official duties as an Antique Dealer or Antique Market Owner due to a mental or physical disorder” was added.
If you are applied to any of the matters regarding the Disqualification below, you cannot obtain the license for the Antique Dealer.
- A person subject to an order commencing bankruptcy proceedings and that has not been discharged from bankruptcy
- Five years have not passed since sentenced to imprisonment or fine or severer punishment due to specific crimes
- A person of no fixed abode
- Five years have not passed since subjected to the cancellation of the license to be an Antique Dealer
- A person who is an Organized Crime Group Member or former Organized Crime Group Member, or may perform violent and unlawful act
- A minor who does not have the same legal capacity as an adult
- A person who is unable to perform official duties as an Antique Dealer or Antique Market Owner due to a mental or physical disorder
- Choosing someone who cannot perform official duties as a manager
- There is someone who applies to 1. ~ 8. among the officers of the corporation.
The regulations for the application are strict that you cannot obtain the license if you apply to any of the case mentioned above. It is important to check for once on your own self before the application. If you are not sure, please feel free to contact us and we are very glad to help.
Next time, we are going to introduce about how to submit the application for the license of the Antique Dealers and you sure do not want to miss it! See you!