We hope everyone is doing well. Due to the spread of the Covid-19 virus, we believe many people are affected by the virus and fighting with their own situations. Because of the restrictions to the departure or entry of countries, some of the foreigns may find diffuclties in returning to their own coutries, and the Immigration Bureau has annouced new polices on 22th June, 2020 regarding the matter.
For those who were staying in Japan now with the Temporary Visitor Visa, such as visiting Japan for business trips, will be permitted to extend the period of stay for another 90 days with the same status of residence.
If you are extenging the visa, please be aware that for those who are residing in the area of the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau, in order to prevent the Immigration Bureau being overcrowded, applications will only be accpeted by post and must arrived before 31st July,2020. The mail must be sent by simplified registered mail and if sent by ordinary post, the mail will be returned. For other jurisdiction, you must submit the application by person.
For more infomration of this measure, please kindly visit the site of the Immigration Bureau
Please feel free to contact us if you have any question or would like us to help creating documents for extending the visa as well. We are experts of the Visas and are very willing to help you. Hope everone stays safe and the situation willl get better very soon. See you!