
Now the immigration restrictions are relaxed! (Updated on November 8, 2021)

The new entrants into Japan with a short-term visa (only for commercial and working purposes) and with a CoE have been allowed to enter Japan under the following conditions.
Submit the documents below to the relevant authority to get approval in advance.
a) Application form
b) Pledge letter
c) Activity plan
d) The list of new entrants
e) A Copy of the passport

In addition, certain certificate holders of vaccination can shorten the isolation period.
To get this benefit, you must submit a copy of the vaccination certificate at the time of the above application.
Please note that this benefit applies to entrants who will be approved with the above procedures (note that there are different specific conditions if you have a student visa or technical intern visa).

FYI, those who have expired CoEs due to immigration restrictions for COVIT-19 will be able to receive Visas at the Japanese embassy or consulate by the explanation letter by their employer companies.

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