Immigration Service Agency of Japan has announced a following new measure to extend the effective periods of COE due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic with the consideration for those who are delayed in the entry into Japan.
URL: http://www.moj.go.jp/isa/content/930005023.pdf
Certificates of status of residence created on or after August 1, 2022 are valid for three months from the date of creation.
1)Applicable statuses of residence
All statuses of residence subject to a CoE
2)Regions subject to the new measure
All countries / regions
3) Applicable certificates of eligibility
Issued on or after January 1, 2020
4)Period deemed to be valid
(a)CoE issued between January 1, 2020 and April 30, 2022
→ Until October 31, 2022
(b)CoE issued between May 1, 2022 and July 31, 2022
→Valid for 6 months from the date of issue
5)Condition to be deemed valid
Where a document is submitted stating that the accepting organization, etc. “is able to continue accepting the foreign national with the same activity contents as were given at the time of the application for the certificate of eligibility” at the time of applying for a visa at a diplomatic mission abroad.
For further details of the restrictions on the entry into Japan, please refer to the following websites.
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs;