
[Japan] 3D printing in Japan

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The traditional manufacturing industry in Japan has been strong for many years. Now a change is coming. 3D printing or additive manufacturing is said to fundamentally change the manufacturing industry.

Given the existing strong manufacturing base, Japan could be at an advantage when it comes to the mass production of 3D printed products from the already existing infrastructure. Since Japan is a famous technology-driven country, there are many Japanese industrial companies that have shown an interest in international 3D printing trends and products.

Japan is now starting to see fast development in the 3D printing industry, as the demand for 3D printed technology is significantly increasing. Especially companies in manufacturing and health care industries have shown a strong interest in 3D printing technology.

In January 2019, TCT Japan arranged a large conference on additive manufacturing. There were a handful of Japanese OEM manufactures that really stood out, such as Mimaki, with its powerful color 3D printing and Nikon with its new metal system.

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