Japan has been locked down since March due to Covid-19 virus. Most of the investment activities and business plans from foreigners are postponed or cancelled under such circumstance. The good news is that the Japanese government has made announcement on 18th June, mentioning plans to release new policies taking aim at the deregulation of Entry to Japan.
The first four countries/districts that will be applicable to the policies are Thailand, Vietnam, New Zealand and Australia. Taiwan may join the discussions later as well. These countries are selected because they have earned the control of the epidemic diseases. Approximately 250 technical interns, travelers of Business Trips and inhabitant officers will be allowed to enter Japan per day for the time being.
Although entry to Japan is permitted, there are still some regulations when entering such as the following:
- Must take the PCR test, and obtain provident of negative results
- Cannot use public transportation
- Must submit the business plan which includes where to stay and person to meet in Japan to exempt from the standby measure,
- Must download and use the application provided by the Japanese Government to record your locations while staying
- Long term residents such as technical interns and inhabitant officers must stand by waiting at home for two weeks after entering Japan
At the meanwhile, 111 countries/districts are under the restrictions of enter to Japan. It may still take time until the Economy to recover. However, this announcement is going to the first step of everything and we all hope the situation will get better day by day. If you consider investing in Japan or find there is any problem to the business that you are holding in Japan, please feel free to contact us and we are very glad to help. See you and we look forward to bringing more good news to you next time!