Every visa has its term of validity. Under the Covid-19 pandemic, please refer if you have any of the following issues:
【Case 1】
Holding a visa, left Japan and planned to re-enter, however period of stay expired while outside of Japan before re-entering.
If the following A or B applies:
A.No change in activity and status relationship with previous application.
B.It corresponds to the following 1) or 2).
1) Deadline of re-entry permission is after 1st January 2020
2) Deadline of re-entry permission is due to expire within SIX months (* Extended on 1st November 2020) after the entry restrictions of the country/ region of staying were lifted.
Please submit an application with the following documents:
・Application form corresponding to your status of residence
・Statement of reasons by accepting organization (Form can be downloaded here: http://www.moj.go.jp/nyuukokukanri/kouhou/nyuukokukanri01_00155.html)
・The copy of your previous residence card
【Case 2】
Applied a visa and obtained a CoE, however expired before able to enter Japan.
In normal circumstances, the term of validity of a CoE is three months. However, as an exception, CoE created between 1st October 2019 to 29th January 2021, expire date will be 30th April 2021 OR SIX months after entry restrictions were lifted, whichever COMES FIRST.
If no changes to the contents with previous application, please submit an application with the following documents:
・Application form corresponding to your status of residence
・Statement of reasons by accepting organization (Form can be downloaded here: http://www.moj.go.jp/nyuukokukanri/kouhou/nyuukokukanri01_00155.html)
・The ORIGINAL copy of your CoE
The above examination procedure period is quicker than usual and is approximately 2 weeks. If there are changes from your previous application, additional documents may be requested case by case and the examination period may be longer if so.
If you find any problem with your visa, please kindly contact us. Our firm will be able to provide professional advices and help with your application procedures if necessary.