
Hashimoto Wins Election, Goes from Governor to Mayor

If you think politics are boring, you should tune into Japanese politics. The scenes at a typical meeting at t … 続きを読む

A Trip to a Japanese Island Through an Air Charter Service

If you’ve just moved to Tokyo, Yokohama, or another large Japanese city for business, you’re probably enjoying … 続きを読む

Government offers free visas to help tourism


What’s the difference between Blue and White tax return filing?

This page has been moved to the following URL. You will be redirected to the new page in 5 seconds.Investment … 続きを読む

Taxes that apply to non-resident (individual & corporate) building owners

Generally, for non-resident foreigners in Japan who own office buildings, both individuals and foreign corpora … 続きを読む

JETRO to Hold “Doing Business in Kobe” Seminar

The Japanese External Trade Organization, JETRO, is planning to hold a seminar in Tokyo about investment and b … 続きを読む

Tokyo looks to entice 500+ foreign companies

The Tokyo government announced last week on the 27th that it has applied to the national government for 5 dist … 続きを読む

Plans under consideration regarding taxes

Last week the chairman of a committee that is responsible for examining the tax situation in Japan said that t … 続きを読む

New Subsidy Available: ¥200K for Travel Companies

In order to try and increase the number of foreign tourists to Japan, the Kyoto Prefecture government introduc … 続きを読む

Top 3 Kansai Industries to Rise Above 22 Trillion Yen

The Kansai Economic Federation and the Kansai Institute for Social and Economic Research announced on the 25th … 続きを読む