
[Japan] Japan’s Nikkei 225 reached 12 weeks high

  Under U.S and China’s trade tensions ease, it seems Asia stocks such as Shanghai or Nikkei got inflowin … 続きを読む

[Visa] Special visa for Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals

  Special visa for Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals was introduced on May 7, 2012. The purpose of thi … 続きを読む

[Japan] Consumption tax system to be changed from October 1 2019

  From October 1 2019 consumption tax is rose up 8% to 10%, and let’s review consumption tax system. 1. O … 続きを読む

[Japan] Japanese satellite business expanding

  According to the Space Foundation, the global aerospace business is growing and was estimated to be wor … 続きを読む

August featured business affairs

1. Accounting(Revenue recognition basis – Disclosure) As for the ASBJ Statement No.29 Accounting Standar … 続きを読む

[Japan] Our “Business Arrangement Service” to support your business

When starting a business in Japan, haven’t you hesitated because of the complexity of the procedures? I would … 続きを読む

[Japan] Foreigners buying real estates in Japan is booming

In recent years, the proportion of foreigners as a real estate buyer in Japan has become larger. The Olympic G … 続きを読む

[Business] Company certificate

When you do businesses with a Japanese company, what kind of method is there to confirm the credibility of the … 続きを読む

[Business] Corporate seal

When setting up a company in Japan, registration of an official company’s seal is required. The company’ … 続きを読む

[General Affairs] Effective writing

For the applicant, a resume is a brief, informative document summarizing your abilities, education, and experi … 続きを読む