
[Japan] Bank of Japan program maintains Japanese economy

Last Wednesday, The Bank of Japan (=BOJ) set down their infration forcast, however remain the stimulus program … 続きを読む

[Japan] Niseko, one of the most remarkable city in Japan

As you might have already known, Niseko – a tiny town in Hokkaido – has grown up as one of the most renowned s … 続きを読む

January featured business affairs

1. Accounting(Trends in accounting standards for financial instruments (Part2)) The ASBJ has undertaken to dev … 続きを読む

[FTA] Green light for EU`s free trade deal with Japan

Green light for EU`s free trade deal with Japan The EU Parliament approves `world`s largest` free trade agreem … 続きを読む

[Japan] Cashless society is expanded in Japan

Japan to Become a Cashless Society? While waiting in a long queue at a supermarket or shopping mall, shoppers … 続きを読む

December featured business affairs

1. Accounting(The trend of “Accounting standard for Financial Instruments” (1)) The ASBJ, or Accou … 続きを読む

Expand Your Business to Japan

Process of Brexit goes slowly but steadily towards its end, whatever the consequences may be. Needless to say, … 続きを読む

[Japan] Exciting innovations at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games

In 1964, Japan prepared Tokyo for the Olympics by filling the old canals, building highways in the air and lau … 続きを読む

[Japan] Labor market in Japan

Labor Shortage in Japan – Coming to an End? While Japan is known to be one of the most progressive countries i … 続きを読む

November featured business affairs

1. Accounting(CGS Guidelines Amended) The METI, or Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, amended the “Pract … 続きを読む