
IoT gives fuel Malware??

Under “IoT” idea, there are miscellaneous things connect to internet in these days, and Malware ta … 続きを読む

July featured business affairs

1. Accounting (Accounting practice for PFI facility operators) In 2011, the “Act on Promotion of PFI (Private … 続きを読む

Labor Shortage in Japan: Now Becoming a Problem

In some developing countries, manpower is abundant but jobs are few. As a result, a lot of people are unemploy … 続きを読む

How will the company use AI at a business!?

Every few months it seems another study warns that a big slice of the workforce is about to lose their jobs be … 続きを読む

Futuristic Mode: Full Self-Driving Cars to be Developed

One of the top car manufacturing companies in Japan is aiming to produce it’s fully automated model by t … 続きを読む

Science based better learning

We have all done it. We are reading something we want to remember later and out comes the highlighter. Green, … 続きを読む

June featured business affairs

1. Accounting (Progress of the development of Revenue from Contracts with Customers) In response to the public … 続きを読む

Can You Leave Your Day Job to be an Entrepreneur?

Stable income. Normal working hours. Attractive benefits. These are already yours and yet, there’s a voi … 続きを読む

Digital currencies

The digital coin is surged its value in these days. Two digital conferences were hold at New York in this week … 続きを読む

Loving and Experiencing Japan in a Unique Tour

Most of the time, visitors go to Japan mainly for sight-seeing bundled with great shopping. With the breath ta … 続きを読む