
Things you will need to consider before setting up a company Vol.2

We have already explained the difference between KK and LLC in Vol.1 Some of you may be considering expanding … 続きを読む

Forecast of Japan’s GDP may brighter than former expectations.

Japan’s economic growth rate is revealed on Friday, and it is doubled in the third quarter, with expansi … 続きを読む

December featured business affairs

1. Accounting(Accounting for cryptocurrencies) The ABSJ (Accounting Standards Board of Japan) has been conside … 続きを読む

Bike Sharing – Fun and Practical

Japan is just one of the few countries that is a certified bicycle-friendly. Not all countries want to accommo … 続きを読む

Things you will need to consider before setting up a company

When you decide to start up your own company in Japan, you may wonder many things such as how big or in what f … 続きを読む

Traveling to Japan Alone – How to Make the Most Out of It?

For many, it’s always best to travel with someone or in a group. While it’s boring to travel alone … 続きを読む

Is E-Commerce able to hurt an inflation policy?

E-commerce has been expanded in decade, and it is one of fundamental market in these days. They can supply us … 続きを読む

Yoga could slow the harmful effects and inflamations

Stress accounts for between 60% and 80% of visits to primary care doctors. Chronic stress has been linked to a … 続きを読む

Count Down for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Has Began

As of October 28, there are only 1,000 days left before the Summer Olympics to be hosted by Japan. As the much … 続きを読む

November featured business affairs

1. Accounting(The current number of companies applying the IFRS) As of August 2017, the number of Japanese com … 続きを読む