
Japan’s House of Representative Dissolved by the PM

Last Friday afternoon, the House of Representatives was dissolved by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was seekin … 続きを読む

Annual Tokyo Vegefood Festa

Most people nowadays want to stay healthy and fit and so eating vegetables has been part of their daily lives. … 続きを読む

November Featured business affairs

1. Accounting(Change of depreciation method) This has been changing from the declining balance method to the s … 続きを読む

Medical Interpreters – Getting In Demand?

Just like in Europe, Asia is now becoming a popular medical destination and Japan is one of the few countries … 続きを読む

Ebola Virus Now Becoming Prevalent

Recently, EVD (Ebola virus disease) became rampant in the world. In Japan, the National Institute of Infectiou … 続きを読む

Mobile Trucks – An Emerging Business in Japan

In the United States, food trucks normally sell sandwiches and various easy-to-prepare food and basically go a … 続きを読む

October-Featured business affairs

1. Accounting(improper accounting processing) The Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (SESC) relea … 続きを読む

The Beauty of Japan in Autumn

For most Japanese, watching autumn leaves is a real beauty to see. Regardless if you are a local or a foreigne … 続きを読む

Recent Updates in Japanese Economy

During the Federal Open Market Committee held in July, information showed the expanding economic activity at a … 続きを読む

Japan Now Bidding Farewell to Recession

Last week, the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) competitive ranking was announced and the result was a great … 続きを読む