
March featured business affairs

1. Accounting (Activity of The Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission) Mr. Sasaki, who is the secreta … 続きを読む

Situation of AirBnB in Japan (a.k.a Min-Paku in Japan)

Perhaps not for much longer though. Under pressure from the hotel industry and a populace concerned with the s … 続きを読む

Negative interest rate let investors recur a traditional investment method

Gold bears for years fed off the prospects for higher borrowing costs.Now bulls are thriving in a world where … 続きを読む

What’s Next After Tokyo Olympics?

At this point, most Japanese are already halfway in preparing for the coming Tokyo Olympics. For some, who wan … 続きを読む

February featured business affairs

1. Accounting (Sanctions to E&Y ShinNihon) On December 22nd 2015, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) imp … 続きを読む

Does “Negative Interest” demodulate Japanese economic?

Japanese central bank, Bank of Japan (BOJ) stunned the markets Friday by setting the country’s first negative … 続きを読む

ERP solutions – On-premise vs Cloud

PC performance has been developed significantly in a decade and according to that, server technology is leaped … 続きを読む

Key Business Industries in Japan Today

In every country, there are certain businesses that really stand out among the rest. Depending on several fact … 続きを読む

Celebrating New Year – Uniquely Japanese Way

In most countries, Christmas and Thanksgiving are the most festive and well-celebrated occasions. During these … 続きを読む

January featured business affairs

1. Accounting (Toshiba U.S. unit Westinghouse’s impairment loss on goodwill) Toshiba has been unstable because … 続きを読む