
Japan Won a Gold Medal in the Winter Olympics

Just like the regular Olympics, Winter Olympics also comes every four years. For the year 2014, it was held in … 続きを読む

Licenses to Manufacture and Sell Alcoholic Beverages

There are times when we received some inquiries about securing a license to manufacture and sell alcohol in Ja … 続きを読む

Exportation of Second-Hand Cars

Recently, we have been receiving inquiries about exporting second-hand cars, also known as “cream puffs” in Ja … 続きを読む

IBPC Osaka – Providing Business Support

When planning to put up a business in Japan, one of the common questions you may ask is “Is there any availabl … 続きを読む

Japan to Hire Foreign Workers to Improve Economic Status

Great news to foreign workers who dream of working to Japan! Recently, Prime Minister Abe confirmed that the c … 続きを読む

Japan’s National Security Bureau to Be Launched

One of the strategies of PM Abe is to strengthen its relationships to its neighboring countries by creating al … 続きを読む

Tokyo Real Estate Prices Continues to Rise

Since the recession in Japan started in 1995, the investment in the real estate continues to go down due to ec … 続きを読む

$182 Billion Package – Approved by PM Abe to Fight Deflation

Recently, the cabinet members of PM Abe came to a consensus to approve a big package amounting to 18.6 trillio … 続きを読む

Radioactive Fuel Rods at Fukushima to be Removed

Since the nuclear disaster that happened in 2011, the Japanese government has been doing various efforts in or … 続きを読む


In some countries, there is a custom for companies to give “bonuses” or 13-month pay to their employees before … 続きを読む